Sharing Life Together

Connect Groups

Glasgow Elim meets in smaller groups throughout the week for discussion, community and sharing our spiritual journey together. These groups focus around the teaching from the Sunday morning and seek to explore what God is saying to us and how we can explore and apply the word of God to our day to day lives.

Often within our Connect Groups Communion is shared and we pray for each other. These groups are a safe place to ask questions, be real with each other and find friendships. The aim of our Connect Groups is to take the teaching on a Sunday from being a message in a service to becoming a journey of discipleship.

Our church meets in smaller scattered groups throughout the week in locations across our city and beyond. We encourage all who attend Glasgow Elim Church to be part of a Connect Group to find pastoral care, friendship and spiritual formation. Whether you’re new to Glasgow Elim or been coming for a while you are welcome to join a connect group near you and be part of a community seeking God, sharing faith and serving others together.

To find out more information about how to be part of a group near you please contact the church office.

Connect Group Locations
Connect Group Locations