About Us
Glasgow Elim is committed to gathering and building for the now, the next, and the not yet generation. Scroll down to get to know us better!

Our Story
Glasgow Elim is a growing and diverse congregation gathered from all across the city and beyond. We are made up of individuals and families from over 24 different nationalities and are passionate about the presence of God.
Founded in 1927, the church has a rich heritage of revival, renewal and facilitating moves of God. Now, almost 100 years on, Glasgow Elim continues to passionately pursue the things of God with a hunger to see our city and nation transformed by God’s reality.
Gathering moments at Glasgow Elim are therefore always times of real excitement and genuine expectation as we welcome the Holy Spirit together and invite Him to make Jesus known to us. We love exploring the presence of God together.
Our Mission
Our mission is what we do and flows out of who we are. We are a Pentecostal Church! That means that we believe that what happened on the day of Pentecost still happens today. On the day of Pentecost, heaven invaded the earth and the church was born. We build round the same dynamics that we see the first church in Acts 2 building around.
Our mission is therefore to function as a community exploring the experience of heaven on earth by seeking God, sharing faith and serving others.
God’s Kingdom
Our faith
Those around us
Our Vision
Our approach to ministry and our function as a church have very much been shaped by what we believe God is calling us to achieve for Him in our city, this is what we call “our vision”. We commit to gathering and building that which showcases God to the now, the next and the not yet generation.
This vision underpins our ministry and direction as a church!
Our Team

Fraser Donaldson
Senior Minister
Teaching, Vision, Strategy
& Leadership

James Richardson
Associate Minister
Pastoral Care, Discipleship
& Connect Groups

Jenny Boyce
Ministry Team Member
Children & Families Lead
& Limitless Ministries

Euan Paton
Ministry Team Member
Worship, Young Adults and Chaplaincy